Burning Cinders (Reign of Fae Book 4) Read online

  Burning Cinders © 2020 CK Dawn

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Cover Design by Vanesa Garkova

  Horseman boyfriend rescued? Check.

  Vampire screwing everything up? Of course.

  Two Horsemen down. One to go...

  For centuries three Horsemen have reigned, their corruption unchecked. Until recently, the entire fae realm was unknown to humans. That is until their wicked ways turned the skies of the human world to ash. The royal Horsemen’s iron rule plagued everything they touched. But no longer.

  With Famine and Death gone, things have come to a boiling point. The battle between worlds and wills was inevitable. Together, Bram and Chloe honed their sights on the most evil fae, the Horseman of Conquest. They must find a way to end her cruel blood-thirsty grasp over humanity once and for all. But how? Avery can’t be killed.

  Complicating their situation, Avery imprisoned Mary in the Hamadryad Forrest, a death sentence for the witch. The master vampire Mordecai seems hell-bent on mucking up everything with his blind good intentions as well. Cue his enabling the prophecy of the Three Fates to arise. The three sister witches believe they are destined to become all-powerful hybrids, one vampire-witch, one werewolf-witch, and one unstoppable Horseman-witch hybrid. The Moirai sisters may just become Chloe’s and Bram’s biggest threat yet.

  The end of Chloe’s world was only the beginning…



  1. Smoldering Beneath

  2. Horseman’s Pride

  3. Something Blue

  4. Old Flames

  5. Dusk and Cinders

  6. Time in a Bottle

  7. Love Lost

  8. Sticks and Stones

  9. Touch of Magic


  After the Reign

  CK’s Street Team

  Also by CK Dawn

  About the Author


  To my readers and 2020 quarantine buddies, thank you for taking this journey with me. It’s been one hell of a dystopian Horseman driven ride. This one’s for you!


  Fate’s Spark

  University of Washington - Junior Year

  Living in the shadows over the centuries was a hard habit to break. Even for something as mundane as picking up research for Professor Hadley. But staying hidden kept Bram Tice out of trouble and off the radar of other fae, especially the royals. And this time, his stealth had borne some humorous fruit.

  He waited around the corner from Chloe Etain’s dorm room enjoying the demise of her roommate’s latest suitor far too much to make his presence known.

  “I told you, I have the flu, so obviously Sarah’s not here. I don’t know when she’ll be back. So you can stop leaning on the doorway now. You’re not waiting here for her.”

  “Aw come on, don’t be like that. Smile. Don’t you believe things happen for a reason?” The sleaze on the guy was vomit-inducing. “You’re here and I’m here--”

  “And you’re leaving.” Chloe spat back at him in his same wretched cadence. “Ugh, get your arm off of me.”

  Worried the jerk got handsy, Bram whipped his head around the corner for a quick glance. Chloe shoved the suitor across the hallway and was giving him a look that dared him to get up and try anything else stupid.

  “That wasn’t a suggestion!” She rebuked.

  Bram ducked back behind the corner with a smile. He shouldn’t have been surprised Chloe had the situation well under control. She was fearless. Not to mention, he knew she’d taken some self-defense classes last year. She reminded him of the fact with an eye roll every time he mocked chivalrously to walk her across campus after another one of their late nights of research for the professor.

  His heart skipped every time he thought about her. How her eyes sparkled when she talked about things like her empowering self-defense classes, or how she loved to travel. Her smile lit up his monotonous world. He snickered to himself, even when she gave him her impassioned theories about what she thought she knew of the Light and Dark Fae.

  She had a fire in her like he’d never known before. The mere thought of her bright smile or sway of her hips left him breathless. Careful, don’t be an idiot! No attachments, remember? He folded the card in his hand and put it in his back pocket. It’s stupid anyway, he told himself.

  Hearing the sleaze pick himself up off the floor, Bram rounded the corner. He wanted a good whiff of the human as they passed each other, just in case he hadn’t gotten Chloe’s subtle hint. Subtle. He chuckled to himself again. If the sleaze tried to come back later Bram would know his scent and hunt him down. The humiliated look on Mr. Sleaze’s face had the Horseman beaming with pride on the inside.

  “Careful with that one.” He said brushing by Bram and shouted for Chloe and the others in the hallway to hear. Hidden under pungent pine-scented cologne, the stench of sour beer oozed from his pores. “I think it’s her time of the month.”

  “Bye, Roger. I hope that extra-strength cream clears up your rash this time!” Chloe yelled back.

  Bram snickered again. He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face as he wrapped his knuckles on her open door.

  “What!” She hissed before she saw who it was. No doubt thinking he was yet another of her roommate’s unsavory suitors.

  “I’m just here to get your research. But hey, if you don’t want me to finish it, I’m good with less work. Unlike that douche, I can take a hint.”

  “Shit! Sorry. Here, wait.” Blushing, Chloe quickly rushed across her room. Grunting at Sarah’s cluttered mess on the desk, she gathered together a pile of papers. “I swear I’m getting my own room.”

  “You say that every semester. Everything alright? Besides the douche, I mean.”

  “Yeah, no, it’s just my grandpa’s sick, I’m over this flu bullshit, and that guy was being a total asshole!” She shouted the last word down the hall. “Sorry,” she apologized for yelling in Bram’s ear as she returned to the doorway. “Douche, huh. How old are you again?” She always teased him about what she called his ancient references compared to his twenty-something looks.

  He never would give her an exact number, though. How could he? He couldn’t lie. “Say thank you, Bram.” He prompted her instead.

  “Thank you, Bram.” She said through her flu induced sniffles. “I’ll make it up to you.”

  “Uh-huh, sure.” He teased pretending to back away from her germs.

  “No, I swear. I owe you. Next semester, I’m taking half your workload. I promise.” She gave a small giggle knowing he didn’t believe her.

  “Careful, you know what they say about the fae and promises.” Some of the affection he felt for her slipped through his carefully placed facade.

  Her heart started beating faster and her breathing deepened.
r />   He could barely concentrate. Fighting to contain his attraction, he tried to keep his cool apathetic glamour in place. But when her body reacted to him that way he lost all focus. His hands yearned to touch her skin. He imagined the feel of her was as soft as running his fingers across smooth satin. Gods, I want her.

  “Well, good thing you aren’t fae.” Her sultry voice answered back.

  Shit! His breath caught. The easy banter he fell into whenever he was around her was careless and exactly why he needed to keep his distance. Idiot! What are you doing? He wagged her heaping stack of papers in front of him. “I better get going.” He hated how cold he sounded.

  “Yeah, uh, right, of course. I was about to take some night time sneezing, coughing, fever, so I can rest stuff, anyway.”

  “Is that what you youngins are calling it these days?” He tried to joke.

  “Ha-ha. But no really, thank you, Bram.” She aimed that damned world illuminating smile at him.

  His heartbeat quickened, almost as if his heart had a will of its own and wanted to keep time with hers. She had a gravity that pulled at him. Human language evaded him. All words lost their meaning for how he yearned for her.

  “Say good night, Chloe.” Even with a fever, bed hair, and frumpy oversized pajamas she was beautiful. She took his breath away every time he was near her.

  “Good night, Chloe.” He managed a soft chuckle and turned to walk away. “Feel better, Chlo.” Okay, that’s enough, idiot!

  As she started to close her door, he stopped at the trash can in the hallway. He pulled the folded card from his back pocket but paused. Don’t do it! It’ll just complicate things. Reluctantly, he threw the card away and walked away as her door clicked shut.

  She swore he got sexier the longer she knew him. Chloe watched as Bram walked away trying to ignore the craving she felt. He always kept her at arm’s length and it drove her mad. One minute they would be talking and laughing and the next he would shut down, turning off like a switch. Any time their conversations got too friendly, he’d find some excuse to leave. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to kiss him, though, she knew she’d never act on it. Was her desire driven only by what she knew she couldn’t have or was it more?

  She watched as he paused in the hallway, seeming to almost want to come back to her, but unable to get his legs to obey. Closing her door with a click, she peered at him through the peephole wondering what was making him linger.

  Finally, he threw something into the trash and left.

  Curious, she tiptoed into the hallway and retrieved it. Folded over was a plain white card with a realistic pencil drawing of an anise swallowtail drawn on it. He knew how much she loved butterflies. It was beautifully hand-drawn, like so many similar pieces in his office she knew he’d sketched. It must have taken him hours. She could almost see his hand move across the page, curving every line with meticulous care and precision. A flash of heat coursed through her as she pictured those same hands moving over her curves. Stop it, Chloe!

  Going back to her room she got a twinge of excitement. A real anise swallowtail butterfly had gotten stuck in her hair the day she and Bram first met her freshman year. Does he remember that? The chance meeting was seared into her memory and had changed the entire direction of her studies. She couldn’t help but wonder why he’d thrown such a beautiful drawing away. Had she scared him off after hearing how she’d treated Roger? She took a quick glance in the mirror. The dark circles under her eyes made it look like she was wearing a superhero mask, but not in a good way, and her blonde hair looked like a rat’s nest bundled on top of her head. Oh my God! No wonder he ran off.

  Needing some cheering up, she sat on the edge of her bed, opened the card, and read his words. ‘Feel better, butterfly girl. -B.’

  It was so sweet she hugged the card to her chest. Butterfly girl. He did remember! The card reminded her of his office with the same comforting smells of well-worn books and warm leather. She loved his eccentric and history filled office and always found an excuse to stop by after her meetings with Professor Hadley next door. Her arms fell to her sides in disappointment. They were just friends. She had to keep reminding herself. He made it clear that that’s all he wanted, no matter how much it tortured her. But when he did little things like that, it made her heart beat faster. She couldn’t help but wonder...what could be?


  Smoldering Beneath

  The Horsemen Realm - Present Day

  Massive leather wings sliced the air as the dragon landed behind her with a heavy thud. “Chloe?” Her name cut through the hot tornadic winds of the Horsemen realm like something out of a dream...or a cruel nightmare.

  She froze, overwhelmed by a desire to look back, but she was unable to turn. The parched sound of her name leaving the beast’s lips took her breath away and brought her to a dead stop. Her legs became thousand-pound weights, anchoring her in place. The fine sand of the realm danced, thick in the air, and found its way into her mouth, grinding between her teeth. Grains reminiscent of milled black pepper and alder-wood smoked sea salt coated her tongue. The dust and grit swirled all around her, assailing her raw and seared skin as well. Chloe? She tortured herself, playing his voice over again in her head, never thinking she’d hear it again. Jolts of electricity shot through her body at the sound. The residual echo of Bram haunted her and shook her to her core. He was lost.

  Before landing, the dragon’s fiery breath had formed two walls of flames on either side of her. Fire ten feet tall and two feet thick created a corridor around her and looked like an illuminated runway directing Chloe’s path. In front of her was home, behind her was only doom. The fire lapped at her body and singed her flesh, feeling like hundreds of tiny fiery ant bites all over her skin. She healed over and over again, though, courtesy of her temporary bond with the master vampire Mordecai.

  Unable to stay, unwilling to leave, she felt trapped. Her heart thudded against her chest, like an inmate’s fist pounding against a prison wall, trying in vain to break free. It’s not real. Bram’s gone. She tried convincing herself, knowing she’d lost him to his damned beast.

  Is it possible? Could he still be in there? Chloe allowed herself a glimmer of hope before thinking of the promise she had made to Bram. The sword in her hand was impossibly heavy from that broken vow. Still unable to fulfill her promise and end his life, she stared blankly ahead of her. Was the beast using the sword as a conduit again, not only controlling her emotions but this time, reality as well? War was a cruel beast and would stop at nothing to obtain his weapon.

  The portal back to the Spree was on the ground right in front of her, dwarfed by the dragon’s walls of flames. The portal’s small purple flames danced in the wind, encircling the magical axe biting into the dry cracked soil of the Horsemen realm. All she had to do was grab the axe’s handle and she’d be free. Escape from the dragon’s torment was within her grasp if she could just get her legs to move.


  She gasped.

  Without another thought, Chloe whipped around and ran. She didn’t care if it was a trick. Elation flushed over her at the sight of the man she loved truly standing before her, making her run even faster. Bram was real, he had come back to her. He was there, laid bare before her, naked, vulnerable, and raw.

  “Don’t come any closer.” His wings folded behind him and disappeared. Exhausted, Bram fell to his knees. “I don’t know if I can keep him contained!” Hiding his face in one hand, he doubled over in pain. His arm shook with the effort of keeping his other hand out in front of him, motioning her to stop. “I don’t want to hurt you or the baby.”

  When he had called her name, she almost forgot she’d just learned she was pregnant. His warning slowed her movements almost entirely, but she didn’t stop. “Bram, the dragon didn’t hurt me. He didn’t hurt us. He could have, but he didn’t. And you won’t hurt us now.”

  The dueling walls of flames fell to the ground in unison l
ike a spectacular water display in Las Vegas and faded away merely as smoke dissipating into the harsh winds.

  “Stay back!” His body contorted. Countless fading bruises and healing wounds littered his body. Dried, caked blood curved up and around his muscles, tattooed on his sweltering skin as evidence of his agony.

  Chloe slowly continued toward him. “I won’t.” She dropped to her knees in front of him. “I can’t.” She picked up his Horseman pendant she’d absentmindedly dropped earlier. The passionate heartbeat within the red heart-stone thrummed strong and true with his love for her. Grabbing hold of his outstretched hand, she gathered all her inner strength and aimed all the love she felt for him directly at his conflicted soul. “Stay with me,” she whispered.

  Relenting, he pulled her into an embrace and held on like a dying man taking one last breath. He didn’t let go. A desperate whisper left his throat. “He’s too strong.”

  “No! Don’t you dare say that!” Chloe refused to believe it. She pulled away and put his pendant back around her neck. “Horsemen have opposite and equal halves. You told me that.” She tried to tug at his memories. “It’s your choice what side you give rise to, what side you fight for. War is what you are, but it’s not who you are.” She touched his cheek. “You are both your halves. Embrace that truth. We all have demons and better angels within us.” She searched his eyes and gritted her teeth. “I’m not going back without you. So fight!”

  “I’m trying.”

  “I know.” Chloe’s tender voice answered. She shoved the Horseman pommel into his hand. “Now fight harder.”

  Bram’s eyes grew wide in horror at what his beast might do with the blade. “What are you doing?” His voice trembled in terror.

  “You are the one giving him strength, feeding his power by denying he’s half of who you are. Your beast is not an –other you can lock away. He is you. Accept that truth, however awful and evil that part of you may be, and take back your power!”